True Heart of Worship
Iglesia de Dios (Séptimo Día) Independiente




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Living Within Your Means The Lord provides what is best for us. But most people are not satisfied. They get in debt and this opens up a whole set of problems. Trust in the Lord and accept His provisions.
Finding Our Way All of us will eventually come to a crossroad where we ask the question - What shall I do with my life? Where am I to go? What are my choices? The Bible has the answer.
Freedom to Fail The worst fear is never trying to do anything for fear of failure. Have you let fear keep you from becoming the person God planned? Do you think God will excuse you for not trying? It is worse to never try than to try and fail!
Entertainment Are you too entertained to pray or read your Bible? Who has bewitched you? What has bewitched you? Do not allow yourself to be captivated and contained in the devil's ploy. You are a child of the Most High GOD, live in freedom!!
The Providence of God! Have you ever wondered how you arrived at where you are? Are the good things in life by luck? Chance? or Karma? There is such a thing as providence in the Bible and this is what God uses to govern the people of this world. If you are a believer - that's a good thing! If not - it might not be a good thing.
"Please Let Me Go To Hell" The title line is from a person's video but this message is focused on a change in unbelievers that is happening in our time. The arrogance of people has increased to the point where they feel entitled to judge God by their standards. Prophecy tells us to expect this near the end but we know there are still people who can hear the gospel message. How do we reach them?
Tolerating What Shouldn't Be In Revelation, we see the 7 churches in Asia Minor receiving their report cards from God. Mostly, the church of Thawatyra is doing well but there is a very big problem, one that we see in many modern churches. They are tolerating the intolerable. After we look at what Revelation shows us, we address how modern churches are supposed to deal with it.
Choose ... Whom Will You Serve Give up your virtue signaling and self-righteous attitudes. Ask yourself whom you will serve? Be honest and answer with boldness of faith.
Overcoming Depression There is no cure for depression, but we can overcome it. This sermon follows the story of Elijah who suffered from depression but overcame the paralyzing effect it had on him. We too can learn something from his experience.
Fearless People deal with fear in many ways but God wants us to be fearless. Even though things happen that could cause us to fear, the Bible says faith and love will keep the fear out of us. The Bible says a lot about fear, as we will see.
The Spirit of Fear If fear doesn't come from God, it has to come from the devil. What do you fear most? Death, loss of income, or God! We will go over these fears and more!
Stand Up Do Something Stand up and say something! Stand up and do something! Church, do not succumb to the society norm of satanic compliance. Live life with boldness of faith and live your life in JESUS and for JESUS!
Overcoming Temptations Why are believers tempted? Does it come from our heavenly Father so that he can test us? Perhaps it is the devil that is tempting us as he did with Eve in the garden. Are temptations an indicator of our faith or the lack thereof? We will address this and more.
Backsliding The word 'backsliding' is used to describe a person who was a believer but has now become an unbeliever. That isn't sliding back a little. That's sliding all the way back and out the door. It's a euphemism for turning to a life of sin. There is a real backsliding in the Bible but it is called 'shaken' in faith. We look at this and what things can cause us to be shaken and how we prepare for them.
God's Rewards The Greek word for reward is misthos. This means wages. Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:18 – "The laborer is worthy of his wages or misthos." A wage is not a tip but something you earn as a result for something you did.
The Seven Events There are seven events that can happen to every human being. We will go over these events that we will explain in this sermon. You probably know these already. But I organized them in such a way that you have them on hand should you need them.
Upside Down World What if everything you believed in was true and someone came along and said you were completely wrong? Would you thank that person and be grateful? In the case of the disciples, they were net with the opposite of this. They were faced with rejection, and anger, and were thrown out of town. Chances are, if you told people Biblical truth today, you'd be faced with the same response.
The Effectiveness of Goodness The goodness of God is the motivation we need to effect the change the spirit causes us to desire.
Becoming a Part of the Family of God What do you consider to be the church? The building? The denomination? Going by the Bible, we learn that the church is the family of God. This family is universal and includes true believers who follow the Bible teachings and keep the commandments. Just like a family, there are standards and expectations expected from the family of God. What those expectations are is the focus of the message.
The Remnant Church Many churches believe they are a remnant church because they are living in the end times. But what is a remnant church? How does a church become a remnant church? What can you do to be a remnant church? Are there good works you can do to help you earn that distinction? What would cause you to stop being a remnant church? This is the gist of what this message is about.
He Speaks To Me My Testimony - Cynthia Heinsohn. I share with you my faith and love for Our Lord and King JESUS. Proclaim victory in His mighty and holy name!
God is The Answer Most of us as human beings try to fix every problem or obstacle that comes our way, but there will come a time when we won't have all the answers. This leads to anxiety and bad decisions. But the answer is not in us but in God. This message is intended to show ways in which God provides a solution or answer to the things that trouble us.
Think Excellence! Church, keep your mind focused on JESUS and on his promises. Keep focused on our work at hand until our time is up. Never mind the nay-sayers and the doom-and-gloom crowd. Don't allow the enemy to steal your joy for your GOD given life. Each breath is precious and a blessing from our LORD!
Shaped for Serving God We were designed by God to serve Him by serving others. He equips us will the necessary talents and abilities to make it possible. We know God can do anything that needs to be done, without our help. After all, He created all things and He is all powerful! But for His own reasons, He has decided to accomplish His work on earth through us!
Why Do I Exist? (Pt. 2) There are many questions everyone has regarding their existence. They try to find meaning in their lives but they remain unsatisfied. From the book by Rick Warren, we examine these questions and so much more.
Why Do I Exist? There are many questions everyone has regarding their existence. They try to find meaning in their lives but they remain unsatisfied. From the book by Rick Warren, we examine these questions and so much more.
Focus on God's Goals (Pt. 2) The first part of this sermon was about the personal goals we have in life. We should instead focus on God's Goals. This second part focuses on the goals the Lord has for his people.
The Hope, Comfort, and Strength of the Church What is the hope we have that both comforts and strengthens us? The early church believed that Jesus' return was imminent. The apostles explained that it was going to be longer than they expected. This raised the question, "What about Christians who die before Jesus returns." Paul addresses all of this in today's study.
Focus on God's Goals What were you designed to be? To make money and be rich. To have a luxury car? To have a job others will admire? This sermon will be a series of sermons on what we are created by God to be.
Dwelling in God Have you been asking God to dwell in you when He wants you to dwell in Him? God wants us to be a part of His being. This will elevate our level of standards far greater than anything else. Have you been asking God to support your plans? God wants you to be a part of His plans.
Using the Golden Rule As adults, we can think that the Golden Rule is for children. There is much more to it than that. It is a foundational idea rooted in the Old Testament and what Jesus calls the 'second greatest commandment'.
Be of Good Courage Be of good courage, stand firm in your faith and proclaim your redemption! Don't be a coward and allow the devil to dominate you with fear. Proclaim your redemption, shout it from the roof-tops!
Are You Committed? if you don't know, then you aren't. This sermon clarifies what commitment is and how to maintain it.
Enduring (Pts. 1 & 2) Most people have heard of the verse "He that endures will be saved" But will you endure until the very end? It depends on how committed you are. We will go over possible stumbling blocks you could face along the way.
Perverted Gospel The gospel has been perverted in some ministries. Instead of preaching about the teachings of Jesus, Preachers teach prosperity to their congregation. Instead of preaching about salvation, the good news, and how to please the Lord, they talk about getting rich materially and not spiritually. This message addresses the perverted gospel and the true gospel of our Lord and savior.
Created in His Image Everyone knows we were created in the image of God. What does that mean? We are also told that in the resurrection of Yeshua, that we will be like him. But what does that mean? Will we be like a Spirit? Or an angel? What will we look like? In what way will we be like Christ? Those questions will be answered in this sermon.
Too Much Confusion Here are a couple phrases that need clarification. A couple of tricks used by the devil to deceive.
The Four Attributes of God Our God has many attributes, but we will focus on four of them and one at a time. This time around we look at his attribute of omniscience - having infinite awareness, understanding and insight; it is universal and complete knowledge. I hope that is a blessing to you.
The Lord's Prayer The Lord's prayer is kind of a template or model for God's children to pray. But it is not intended to take the place of a heart-to-heart talk with the Lord. So we break down every part of this prayer to understand what elements are important in our prayers to our heavenly Father.
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life John 14:6 NIV Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
What did our Savior mean by that? What may have been the significance of those terms to the people of those times and to us today? People today say there are many ways to come to God and find salvation. But anyone who says that is either ignorant of the truth or a liar. The Bible is very clear; no one can come to the Father but through Christ.
Sometimes, Grace is a Thorn We tend to think that God's grace will always mean good things, or at least an avoidance of bad things, but sometimes grace comes in a form we don't expect. In this short message, we look at Paul's "thorn" and find important insights into how we should look at the difficulties that come into our lives.
Decline of Humility / Death of Wisdom From the title of a book, this short message looks at the lack of humility and wisdom in the American government and, generally, in the voters who vote for them. In such a society we must be careful that their lives don't become examples for how we should live our lives.
God is the Answer Have you gone through your life frustrated and angry because you don't have all the answers? Surprise! No one knows the answers we seek in life. But God does have the answer to your anxieties, fears, and doubt. Don't go to others and expect them to give you all the answers. God is waiting on you to reach out to Him so He can answer the questions that are troubling you.
Am I Doing Enough For God? Do you think you are doing enough to get into the Kingdom of Heaven? What makes you think you are? Is believing in God enough? How about work? Then there are those who say that they have faith. The answer is not as simple as you might think. In this sermon we will attempt to answer this important question.
Is Same-Sex Marriage OK in the Bible? In this sermon we will read what the Bible has said about the subject of homosexuality and things associated with it. But how did we arrive at the stage we are in? We will also explore the historical timeline to see how we steadily arrive at this point in time.
Are We Living in the Age of Lawlessness? The Bible clearly states that there will be a great falling away that will usher in the end of this world and the coming of the Lord. Do you think that we are at that time in history that will signify the end and the coming of Christ? Are you prepared if this is true? Who are these lawless people? We hope to answer these questions and more.
Eve - The First Mother In honor of mother's day, we study the first mother ever - Eve. We will look at the sin of Eve and Adam and talk about their punishment. We will examine current studies that prove that all mankind came from Eve. We will also look at some of the characteristics of God and His son, and show that they had a combination of characteristics of both men and women.
Stages of Life Have you wondered about how your life has been playing out? Have you stopped and thought - how did I get to where I am? We are a product of where we were born and to whom. Also how we were raised and the problems we faced. Most people think that no one goes through what they went through. How we react or respond to life will determine how we end our days. We will examine the various stages of life that everyone goes through.
Standing in the Gap The Lord looks for people who will stand in the gap for him. This means standing up and doing the right thing and filling that void. We are God's hands and feet and voice. What have you been doing about the needs you see in this world? Have you considered that God quite possibly may be expecting you to do something for Him?
Spiritual Awareness There is a war in the Heavenly realm - it is not a battle but a war and you are a soldier - congratulations! Who do you serve? Where is this Kingdom? How do you fight? A quick look at a deep topic - something to get you thinking.
WANTED - Church Disciples The Lord raised disciples so they could bring more people into the Kingdom. Why doesn't that happen anymore? Has the church lost their way? Have they forgotten the instructions of Christ? This sermon not only explains this mandate from God but we have Biblical advice on how we can become Disciples of God.
Triumphing Over Trials and Temptations (Pt. 2) How do you face your trials? Do you get angry, confused, or bitter? Yet the Bible says our attitude should be one of joy. Not that we enjoy having to endure trials, but we rejoice that once we get over our trials, we will be stronger and more mature as a child of God. The first part explains this process of trials and their purpose. But next week we will see how we can overcome them.
Triumphing Over Trials and Temptations How do you face your trials? Do you get angry, confused, or bitter? Yet the Bible says our attitude should be one of joy. Not that we enjoy having to endure trials, but we rejoice that once we get over our trials, we will be stronger and more mature as a child of God. The first part explains this process of trials and their purpose. But next week we will see how we can overcome them.
A Lesson in Faithfulness This message is about the faithfulness of King Josiah. He modeled himself after King David. He could not use his father's example - King Amon. His father was so wicked that even his own subjects killed him. When they discovered the Torah that had been lost or hidden, he had the people begin to read it. They did so but they weren't converted because they refused to change and they suffered the consequences. We have lessons to learn from these stories because it is God's way of guiding us and helping us to be converted and to remain faithful until the end.
God's Family Have you been asking God to dwell in you when He wants you to dwell in Him? God wants us to be a part of His being. This will elevate our level of standards far greater than anything else. Have you been asking God to support your plans? God wants you to be a part of His plans.
The Unfinished Church of Acts (Pt. 3 - Conclusion) Very few churches today are keeping all the doctrines we find in scripture. In fact, the liberal left that considers themselves as the modern spiritual church - criticize those that keep church doctrine and call them legalists! But the doctrines were intended to help us stay in the good graces of the Lord. While doctrine doesn't save you, it can surely lead to spiritual death if you refuse to honor and keep Biblical doctrine. (31:47)
The Unfinished Church of Acts (Pt. 2) Very few churches today are keeping all the doctrines we find in scripture. In fact, the liberal left that considers themselves as the modern spiritual church - criticize those that keep church doctrine and call them legalists! But the doctrines were intended to help us stay in the good graces of the Lord. While doctrine doesn't save you, it can surely lead to spiritual death if you refuse to honor and keep Biblical doctrine. (59:16)
The Unfinished Church of Acts Very few churches today are keeping all the doctrines we find in scripture. In fact, the liberal left that considers themselves as the modern spiritual church - criticize those that keep church doctrine and call them legalists! But the doctrines were intended to help us stay in the good graces of the Lord. While doctrine doesn't save you, it can surely lead to spiritual death if you refuse to honor and keep Biblical doctrine. (45:24)
The Laws of Good and Evil There are two laws that influence our life. The laws of good and evil. Which one you obey will determine whether you are part of God's kingdom or not. None of us are perfect creatures. We are a work in progress and the Lord doesn't give up on us so long as we don't give up trying to be better people by obeying the law of good and turning away from the law of evil.
Growing Our Church (Pt. 2) God gives us great insight on how we can grow a church. It's all written in the Bible. It is He that adds to the congregation. Church leaders come up with all sorts of gimmicks to attract people. Someone once said - we have gone from feeding the flock to entertaining the goats! So the churches offer entertaining music, soft worldly sermons that don't edify, and programs that never lead people to change or be born again. In this message we will hopefully gain an understanding about what the Bible has to tell us about growing our church!
Growing Our Church God gives us great insight on how we can grow a church. It's all written in the Bible. It is He that adds to the congregation. Church leaders come up with all sorts of gimmicks to attract people. Someone once said - we have gone from feeding the flock to entertaining the goats! So the churches offer entertaining music, soft worldly sermons that don't edify, and programs that never lead people to change or be born again. In this message we will hopefully gain an understanding about what the Bible has to tell us about growing our church!
Keeping Our Spiritual Life Healthy (Pt. 2) Have you noticed the connection there is between our physical life and our spiritual life? There are three parts to us that must be addressed; body, mind and spirit. There is also a correlation between our mental health and spiritual health. But this sermon will address the nature of the relationship and our physical health and spiritual health. The connection between mental health and spiritual health will be addressed in a future time.
Thy Kingdom Come ... How Visiting pastor Kirk Grant takes us through the first part of a message on the Kingdom of God and its progression over the ages.
Sleepwalking Stop sleepwalking through life. Stop living the lie Satan wants you to live. Wake up to life in JESUS and know that life transcends mortal life. A relationship with JESUS allows you the knowledge and GOD given wisdom to understand the truth that human intellect will never understand.
Keeping Our Spiritual Life Healthy Have you noticed the connection there is between our physical life and our spiritual life? There are three parts to us that must be addressed; body, mind and spirit. There is also a correlation between our mental health and spiritual health. But this sermon will address the nature of the relationship and our physical health and spiritual health. The connection between mental health and spiritual health will be addressed in a future time.
Do I Matter to God? (Pt. 2) Why do so many people from all walks of life commit suicide everyday? Some of them are rich. Others are rich and famous. Some are very intelligent and have made great contributions to society. But they lose their love for life because God - our Elohim is not the most important focal point of our lives. Sometimes people feel so isolated and distant from God and wonder - Do I matter to God? The short answer is yes we do matter! But how do we know that? God cannot lie and He tells us that we are important to him in the Bible. The first part of the message offers real examples of people who did not find the meaning of life on their own. The second part will offer Biblical evidence of the importance of our lives to our Creator.
Do I Matter to God? Why do so many people from all walks of life commit suicide everyday? Some of them are rich. Others are rich and famous. Some are very intelligent and have made great contributions to society. But they lose their love for life because God - our Elohim is not the most important focal point of our lives. Sometimes people feel so isolated and distant from God and wonder - Do I matter to God? The short answer is yes we do matter! But how do we know that? God cannot lie and He tells us that we are important to him in the Bible. The first part of the message offers real examples of people who did not find the meaning of life on their own. The second part will offer Biblical evidence of the importance of our lives to our Creator.
What is a Father? Some of the best fathers may not be directly related to you. Joseph, Mary’s Husband was not the biological father of Jesus. Luke 2:47-50 The important thing is to understand what a father is supposed to be based on scripture. We will be judged by God for the things we did for the children in our care and the things we didn't do.
A Man's Foolishness Lies In His Intelligence The bigger and better the technology, the smaller and weaker our human ability to think has become. We fear our devices won't work to post on social media, but we care not nor fear the Lord our GOD. Our common sense has been clouded and diluted by technology and its instant and temporary gratification. Likes on social media have replaced GOD's instruction and righteous wisdom.
Why Don't We Observe Christmas? Why do people observe Christmas? Is the Lord honored by the observance of a tradition that has so many pagan connections? Where did this concept of Christmas get started and what connection does it have with paganism? Will Yahweh - our God be honored by people's good intentions? This sermon study will attempt to shed light on this subject and will answer the question - Why Don't We Observe Christmas?
Abide in Christ Do you realize that a lot of Christians don't understand the abiding principle? Like the analogy of the vines in the vineyard; we will never grow to become the kind of people that Yeshua intended for us to be unless we are tapped into Him. Only through Him can we bear fruit and please Him the way He intended us to.
Giving Thanks Do you give thanks on Thanksgiving only for the food you are eating? Or do you thank Him for what He's done for you? Too often we thank God only for the good things but God uses the bad things in life also to make us better people. We should be thankful for all circumstances because God intends to use all of it to give us a life He has always intended for us to have.
Reconnecting With God Believe it or not, sometimes God gets fed up with us. We aren’t always as constant as we ought to be. When God gets so angry with us, He feels that He must distance Himself from us to avoid destroying us just like Israel. What good was a land and a new home without God in it? God was very disappointed with these people. Have or you someone you care about lost a good, strong connection with God? In this message, we will see how Israel reconnected with God and how you can too!
God's Hedge The Hebrews were a nomadic people raising livestock. It would not be uncommon for a shepherd to be out with his flock, away from the camp, over the night. In order to protect the flock, the shepherd would construct a corral of thorn bushes. God - Yahweh uses a hedge to keep us safe and to protect us. But to some, it can be very confining.
Women in Ministry For many years churches have forbidden women to have a ministry in the church. What is the basis for this? Have a few verses been taken out of context? Are there verses in the Bible that contradict this idea? Is it possible that women have gifts from God that have not been used as He intended? This study looks at both sides of the issue and, hopefully, we can arrive at the truth.
Seven Lies That People Tell Themselves People in general believe some things that have absolutely no basis in truth! But they tell each other these lies to comfort one another and it makes them feel good. Clearly, there are more than seven lies we believe and tell one another. But we will examine just seven and go to scripture for the truth.
God's Wrath Don't mistake our GOD's love for weakness. Let's be honest about ALL the news and information in the Bible regarding the Most High. People must understand who He is in order to understand who they are and why JESUS is who He is and did what He did. GOD is a jealous GOD, the GOD of love is also a GOD who abhors evil of all kinds.
Humanism (Pt. 3) The conclusion.
Humanism (Pt. 2) What is humanism and how does it affect the political system and religion? Chances are that your kids are being affected by the influences of humanism. But unless we know what it is, how will we be able to fight it?
Humanism What is humanism and how does it affect the political system and religion? Chances are that your kids are being affected by the influences of humanism. But unless we know what it is, how will we be able to fight it?
Be Strong! Today's culture is like a vicious heavyweight boxer and we, Christians, have to fight. God encouraged Joshua and the Children of Israel to be strong and courageous to engage their enemies because he'll be with them, but there was something else they had to be strong for, and incidentally, Jesus expects Christians to be strong in the same way. This something else is "complete obedience to God's commandments". Anything else risks the absence of God's presence, which we need to engage in Today's Culture. In such a time as this, let's Be Strong and face the ills of today's culture with the presence of God!
Sanctification (Pt. 4) Continuing with the theme on sanctification, we see the Lord used hyssop to cleanse not just the temple but the people themselves. We see a correlation between purification of the body and of the inner man as well.
Sanctification (Pt. 3) Continuing with the theme on sanctification, we see the Lord used hyssop to cleanse not just the temple but the people themselves. We see a correlation between purification of the body and of the inner man as well.
Sanctification (Pt. 2) Sanctification is an ongoing process that will not be complete until the end. There is a primary need for sanctification because it is in our nature to sin and sin is dreadful to God. He understands that we as human beings have to be purified by His grace through the efforts he orchestrates in our life. Rather than complain - "Why do these things happen to me?" We should be asking - "How does God intend to use this to make me a better person?"
Sanctification Sanctification is an ongoing process that will not be complete until the end. There is a primary need for sanctification because it is in our nature to sin and sin is dreadful to God. He understands that we as human beings have to be purified by His grace through the efforts he orchestrates in our life. Rather than complain - "Why do these things happen to me?" We should be asking - "How does God intend to use this to make me a better person?"
Occupied or Preoccupied (Pt. 2) The Lord has asked us to be occupied in the things that pertain to Him. Most people are not occupied but preoccupied. They are preoccupied with so many diversions that there is never anything left of their time to be doing the things that they were designed to do. Do you honestly think that you and I were designed to fulfill a function that brings you glory or satisfaction?
Occupied or Preoccupied The Lord has asked us to be occupied in the things that pertain to Him. Most people are not occupied but preoccupied. They are preoccupied with so many diversions that there is never anything left of their time to be doing the things that they were designed to do. Do you honestly think that you and I were designed to fulfill a function that brings you glory or satisfaction?
Whom Shall I Send (Pt. 3) In conclusion …
Whom Shall I Send (Pt. 2) There are three reasons for America’s downfall today:
1. The Scientific Earthquake – Darwin’s Theory of Evolution question the authority of the Biblical view of creation.
2. The Philosophical Earthquake – Philosophers questioned the bible’s authority defining the meaning of life and the reason for man’s existence.
3. The Moral Earthquake – Society questioned the bible’s authority to dictate mankind’s morality.
We will discuss these issues in this second part of the sermon.
Whom Shall I Send Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then said I, "Here am I. Send me!" Are you wondering what there is to do in this world for God? Some people think that ministry is for ministers. But the fact is that there is so much to do in this world and just not enough people willing to step up and do what needs to get done.
• Today; 3,246 women will have an abortion.
• 84 people will commit suicide.
• 45 people with AIDS will die.
• 43 people will die from alcohol related car crashes.
• 4,630 15-year-old girls will have premarital sex for the first time.
• 1,312 students will drop out of high school, and 6,000 people under 18 will try their first cigarette.
Ask the Lord for a ministry and He will point you in the right direction.
Delivered, but Damaged This is the story of Jonathan's son - Mephibosheth. He was crippled on both feet and had to depend on others just to survive. But David remembered his promise to Jonathan that he would provide for anyone left in his family. This story had a happy ending for Mephibosheth as we shall see. But this is our story too. We also have our problems, our disappointments, and our uncertainties. Are you still waiting on God's deliverance? Are you having difficulties holding out hope? The Lord has promised to take care of us and He always keeps His word because He is a just God. This is a message of hope for all of us and I pray you will take it to heart.
Abortion: The World and the Bible (Pt. 2) Recently Roe Vs Wade was overturned and now states can decide the subject of abortion. The ruling could have been more meaningful if the court would have banned abortion altogether. But this is a step in the right direction. This is a rather lengthy subject that addresses the legal, scientific, and religious aspects of the subject. I may not cover it all but I will give it more thought than perhaps other church leaders will I am sure.
Abortion: The World and the Bible Recently Roe Vs Wade was overturned and now states can decide the subject of abortion. The ruling could have been more meaningful if the court would have banned abortion altogether. But this is a step in the right direction. This is a rather lengthy subject that addresses the legal, scientific, and religious aspects of the subject. I may not cover it all but I will give it more thought than perhaps other church leaders will I am sure.
Is It Well With Your Soul? The soul - denotes "the breath of life.” The New Testament uses may be analyzed approximately as follows: the natural life of the body, or the immaterial, invisible part of man. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. In this sermon, we ask the question from that now-famous hymn - Is it well with your soul? If not, what is it that is bothering you? The Bible offers a remedy that is long-lasting and it doesn't cost a thing.
Walking With God People today don't know what it means to walk with God. They think that all they have to do is to go to church. But if that was all it took then going to school and never doing anything there would not help you to graduate. Others think that if they believe in God, that would be sufficient. The demons believe in Him but they have no hope. Still, others think that if they pray to God, He will save them. But God has said that unless we change, He will not hear our prayers. So what do we need to do? That's what this sermon intends to shed light on!
The Faithful Steward Stewardship - The Bible idea of 'overseeing' the possessions, business affairs, property, servants, the training of children, etc., of an owner or master. A steward is one who is placed 'over the house' Harper's Bible dictionary. This sermon is about the things and the people in our lives that God has made us stewards over. We are responsible for many things and God will test us to see how faithful we have been over everything He has put in our care.
Jesus - The Lion and The Lamb The Armor of GOD is our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST. Wear the armor everyday and remember He is not a weak baby or a dead crucified man, but the risen and majestic Lion of Judah, King of kings and Lord of lords!
Sometimes God Says No Do you always get an answer to your prayers? Some people will say no they don't. But it is possible and even likely that God did answer and that answer was no! God will only give you what is best for you. He will keep you away from the things that are not going to be good for you in the long run. Whether good things or bad things happen to you, just know that He will use it for a greater good - to mold you into the best version of yourself that you can be.
Then Comes the Devil (Pt. 2) How much do you know about your biggest enemy; the Devil? Do you realize he's into everything you do. Especially when you're trying to do the right thing. He will stir people up against you. He will lie to you and even make you lie. He will discourage you and tempt you as well. Unless you know your enemy well, you will never be able to defend yourself against him! This is what the message is about today.
Then Comes the Devil How much do you know about your biggest enemy; the Devil? Do you realize he's into everything you do. Especially when you're trying to do the right thing. He will stir people up against you. He will lie to you and even make you lie. He will discourage you and tempt you as well. Unless you know your enemy well, you will never be able to defend yourself against him! This is what the message is about today.
Finding the Right Wisdom (Pt. 2) Have you realized that there are two kinds of wisdom? One is the wisdom of the world and the other is the wisdom of God. We will compare the two in this sermon and hopefully we will gain a better understanding about why the world is in such a terrible state it's in today.
Finding the Right Wisdom Have you realized that there are two kinds of wisdom? One is the wisdom of the world and the other is the wisdom of God. We will compare the two in this sermon and hopefully we will gain a better understanding about why the world is in such a terrible state it's in today.
Finding Our Way in Life Have you struggled for answers in your life like everyone else? We all have questions at each stage of our life. When we are young, we wonder what career we should get into and whether we should go to school or not. Then we wonder who we should settle down with and how many kids to have. As we get older, we still struggle for answers but the questions are different. When should I retire? Do I have enough money to live on? What will I do if I get sick? Should I work longer or should I work part-time? Should I volunteer someplace or get a hobby? God has the answers. Trust Him and He will give you the wisdom you need to make the right decisions.
The Providence of God! PROVIDENCE is the continuous activity of God in His creation by which He preserves and governs. The doctrine of providence affirms God's absolute lordship over His creation and confirms the dependence of all creation on the Creator. It is the denial of the idea that the universe is governed by chance or fate. Have you considered the possibility that the problems and successes you have experienced in your life are ordained by God? Have you stopped to think that He controls things through His providence? Let us examine the subject further.
A Living Sacrifice 1Thessolonians 5:23-24 "May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it." We need God’s complete sanctification. This includes our body, soul (or the inner man) and spirit as well. The devil will attack every part of those three elements, but the weakest point is the body.
Waiting for the Lord Patience is an inner calmness that comes from the knowledge that God is in control. Patience is something spiritual. God develops this gift through the things we go through. If God sees that you have a greater need for patience, He will work harder on you than others. But patience is developed through time and waiting on the Lord. Waiting is something that few people are willing to do. But waiting for God to speak and answer demands patience from each of us.
Looking Four Ways at the Lord's Supper As we prepare for the Lord's Supper Observance, we as the question - Are you prepared? Are you getting ready? This is a time of introspection. To prepare properly, there are four ways we should look outside of ourselves, look forward, look inside ourselves, and look backward about what the Lord has done. Only then can we truly say we are ready.
Can a Christian Fall From Grace? Two main doctrines are taught - First: It is impossible to fall from grace, once saved, always saved. Second: A child of God can sin and be lost eternally. We must allow God’s word to answer the question. We will go to scripture to explain why the once-saved-always-saved doctrine is not only wrong but dangerous.
Romans 13 - What does it mean? Romans 13 has been misread and misunderstood for far too long. It is actually very simple to understand if we just take the time to read the Book of Romans in its entirety. Paul advised on the difference between man made and GOD ordained authorities, we have confused his message.
Growing Our Church (pt. 2) How does one grow a church? Does it require special, entertaining music? Should there be an outreach program that will require special events and services? Should one spend a lot of money for publicity? The inexperienced will try a lot of things in hopes that something will work! But then again, what if it isn't us that makes growth happen? What if it is all about God Himself that makes it possible? Is it Biblical? Is there scripture to support the idea that maybe it isn't about us but all about God instead? We shall see as we go through the Word of God!
Growing Our Church How does one grow a church? Does it require special, entertaining music? Should there be an outreach program that will require special events and services? Should one spend a lot of money for publicity? The inexperienced will try a lot of things in hopes that something will work! But then again, what if it isn't us that makes growth happen? What if it is all about God Himself that makes it possible? Is it Biblical? Is there scripture to support the idea that maybe it isn't about us but all about God instead? We shall see as we go through the Word of God!
As Innocent As Children Christ used children as a model of what we should be like. Unless we are willing to be more like them, it may be difficult to enter the kingdom of God. Note that He wants us to receive the kingdom of God like a child. He didn’t say to act like a child. This is what this sermon is about.
Do You Hunger? Do You Thirst? Each of us should have a hunger and thirst to live a right life. We know what's right and feel bad when we do things we know are wrong. Some people try to fill that hunger and thirst with other things but it is not satisfied. Some people live a righteous life but for the wrong reasons. We should be happy to live rightly just to live rightly - just to know that it pleases God. Try as we might we can't live a perfect life but when Jesus returns we will be perfected.
Learning To Be Still We as human beings have a tendency to react quickly to our problems. We feel that we have to do something to resolve them on our own. While this is practical in most of the ordinary, routine things we face, sometimes when things go terribly wrong, this just doesn't work! There are things that happen about which we simply can't do anything about. These are the times where we tend to toss and turn about in our beds. These are the things that spoil our appetite and make us depressed with worry. But there is another way. We can learn to be still. But how do we do that? Watch and see.
It's Not About Us! Claudius Ptolemy, an Egyptian living in Alexandria, at about 150 A.D said the planet earth was the center of the universe in the 2nd century AD. if this were true, it meant that it was all about us. After all, we were the inhabitants of the center of the universe. So this meant that everything we did or anything that nature created was solely for us. But what if they were all wrong?
Leaving Our Comfort Zone No one likes change. We want everything to remain the same. The trouble is that when we remain in our comfort zone, we stop growing. When we stop growing, we lose our passion. When we lose our passion, we become stale. Even worse, we begin to backslide and we find ourselves in the same place we were before we knew the Lord.We study the model we saw in Israel who God invited into a relationship with Him. But when they heard the thunder and saw the lightning, they drew back and refuse to get any closer. Their story is our own story!
The Power of Bold Prayer Don't just pray; pray like you mean it! Understand that prayer works and can move mountains. Jesus gave us the instructions of prayer, righteous prayer comes from a true heart filled with hope, love and faith. Become a true prayer warrior!
A Church on the Move As we move forward in finding a place to call home, we must consider the things that really matter. There are things we must leave behind of course. But there are at least 10 things that are essential to the church. This is what we intend to cover in this message.
Seven Reasons We Exist Jeremiah asked long ago, "Why was I born? Was it only to have trouble and sorrow, to end my life in disgrace?" Jeremiah 20:18 "The Lord has made everything for His own purpose…..." Proverbs 16:4a The question that remains is, "what is His purpose for my existence?" Well God has an answer – seven of them to be exact. This is what this particular sermon is about!
Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit We will cover seven of the most common spiritual gifts. They are not the only gifts available to us by any means. And no one has all these gifts either. But the Lord will give you a spiritual gift for the benefit of the body of Christ. These gifts are intended for others but you too may benefit from them as well.
Seven Ways to Know God's Will The Bible clearly states that the Lord will grant us our prayer requests - if we ask according to His will! The trouble is, how do we know we are asking Him in accordance to His will? Maybe we think we are but maybe we are not. Here are seven ways to know if we are able to ask for what we need according to His will.
Seven Ways to Know God Today we study seven ways we can get to know what God is like. People try to see God or understand God in physical terms. But He is a Spirit. And unless we can perceive Him spiritually, we will never get to know Him. Yet it is so important to know about God so that we can better grasp who we are ourselves.
The Spirit of Faith Faith is the most important thing a Christian can have. Through faith, we believe and accept Christ. Through faith we live our lives with the confidence that God loves us and that He will direct our steps. Let us look at some Biblical examples of faith that can help us understand what faith is and how we can apply it to our own life.
Focus On God's Goals What are your goals in life? To make lots of money? To have lots of possessions like a big house or a great car? You can reach earthly goals but they will never make you happy the way God's goals can! Consider the importance of seeking God's goals that He lays in your heart, any you can achieve a greater happiness. In turn, He will provide all the other things that are essential to your life.
Deliverance From God Are you struggling through difficult times and wondering where God is? Do you feel all alone and think that God has abandoned you? Let me assure you that He is right there with you when you need Him the most. He was there with David when he faced Goliath. He was there with Daniel in the lion's den. He was there with the three young Hebrew young men when they were cast into the furnace and He will certainly be there in the midst of your biggest struggles in your life. That's what this sermon is about.
Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Should Christians participate in Halloween? Many would say - probably not! But what is wrong with it? Isn't it harmless fun? Once we look through the history of the holiday, we see a foundation built on paganism, witchcraft, and demonic practices. Should we teach our kids to compromise with satanic practices? Can Halloween be Christianized? Highly unlikely! In this sermon, we look at the beginnings of Halloween and bring it up to current time and look at the Bible to see what God has to say about things related to witchcraft like Halloween is.
Signs of the End Times (pt. 7) The last sign of the end times subject we will study, is about the gospel being preached throughout the world or to all the nations. What does that really mean? Some think it means that every person in the world must hear the gospel. But what if people won't listen while it's being preached? And if they hear it, what if they don't act on it? Can we force them to hear and act? Who is responsible for preaching the gospel? Is it just preachers or can lay people spread the gospel too? Then the other question is; is the prophecy saying that all people must first hear the gospel or does it refer to the country they live in? Clearly, this subject is not as simple as one might think.
Signs of the End Times (pt. 6) Revelation 3:7 warns us that Satan will wage war against the church and faithful people. This will be made possible through a New World Order. In this message, we describe the idea behind it and how it will affect us personally. This sermon is not designed to scare people but to wake us and to encourage us to be the kind of church people that the Lamb of God will come to rescue from the dragon of the Bible and of this world!
Signs of the End Times (pt. 5) In part 5 of the seven-part series on the end times, we discuss the birth pains that will come before the coming of the Lord. These birth pains include wars and rumors of wars. They also include famine, pestilence, and false Christs. We will cover as many of these as possible and hopefully, help the listener become better prepared for the eventual end of the world.
Signs of the End Times (pt. 4) We continue with part 4 in the continuing series of the last days as we study the meaning of Daniel 12:4. Part of the prophecy of the end times centers around how knowledge and travel will increase. We will see how far we have come and what direction we are going. While the ability to learn more about things such as technology, we have to question whether it is for good or evil. We will warn you about some of the potential concerns there are about knowledge without wisdom.
Signs of the End Times (pt. 3) There are many signs about the end times but I will just cover seven. The last two were preached the two previous weeks. But today we talk about the number one sign of the endtimes that includes Israel. When Israel returns to their homeland, they will usher in the end and the second coming of the Lord! The trouble is, some people think that Israel has already returned to their homeland in 1948. But a generation has passed and he has not returned. Is it possible that perhaps we have misinterpreted this prophecy? Join us as we study this important prophecy.
Signs of the End Times (pt. 2) I've selected seven failings that pastors agree on today that have contributed to church membership decline. This of course contributes to a great falling away from the faith that the Bible talks about. The Bible has the answer to what pastors should have done better that could have avoided the demise of the Christian faith.
Signs of the End Times Do you believe as I do that maybe, just maybe, there are signs everywhere that these are the last days. Today and in the weeks ahead, we will be discussing some of the more obvious signs of the end times. In Today's message, we call out some of the more popular televangelists that are raking in millions while preaching lies and heresy. The Bible warns about false teachers, preachers, and pastors. In this sampling of the people we have seen over the years, on television, we realize that fulfillment of prophecy. (Note the Verse quoted in James 3:3 should be James 3:1.)
Growing in the Lord Are you growing as a child of God? Are you stagnant and stuck in a rut? How can you tell if you are growing? How can you measure yourself to be sure you know you are growing the right way? Are there things we can do to help us become better and healthier both physically and spiritually? This is what this sermon hopes to address today.
Walk Worthy of Your Calling Has it occurred to you that you did not choose the Lord but that He has chosen you? Because He chose us, shouldn't we make ourselves worthy of His calling? We can't deserve salvation but we can give the Lord confidence that He chose well when He called us. That is what this message is about!
Evidence of God's Love We know that God is love. Everyone can love those who love them, but what about those that either can't or won't love you back? Those of us that are the object of His love must love in the way He does. In this sermon, we go over ten ways we can show God's love in us.
Finding God How would you find God? If someone asked you to prove His existence, how would you go about it? Who is God to you and how can you be sure He is there? This sermon attempts to address these very important concerns and more.
Seeking God Did you realize that seeking God is the most important and the most fundamental thing we as believers must do? Unless we get this right, nothing else makes sense. In our attempt to find God, we will finally find ourselves.
Friend or Foe? / Speak Life, Speak Truth, Speak Blessings Friend or Foe?
Choose Your Side. Are you a friend or enemy of GOD? Choose wisely and remember why you were made, and who you are.
Speak Life, Speak Truth, Speak Blessings
Don't curse yourself or those around you. Don't give in to the lies and deception of the enemy. Instead choose to speak life, victory, prosperity and love to all.
Seven Obligations For Children You never outgrow your parents. Your relationship changes from when you were a child. But you still remain your parent's children. There are seven things we cover here that are important obligations we have for our parents - whether we are young or old.
Parents and Children 1 We've been talking about husbands and wives and the duties or expectations God has for each of them. But today we want to begin a two part series on the responsibilities of parents and grandparents to the children in the family. Next week, we will address the duties children have to their parents young or old.
What a Husband Needs from His Wife What do husbands need from their wives? Clearly, it is more than a clean home and food on the table! Just like a wife has needs that can be fulfilled by her husband, she has the capacity to fulfill many things her husband needs.
What a Wife Wants from Her Husband What does a wife need from her husband? Is it enough to have food and lodging? Will a house or a car be enough? None of those things matter if the emotional needs of the wife are not met. He may place less importance on that, but it may mean everything to her. If each plays the part they need to play for each other, then everything will eventually work out well. We will discuss in this sermon the needs of the wife and then next week the needs of the husband, followed by the needs of parents and children.
A Reason for Our Hope Why do you have faith? If someone were to ask you to tell them the reason you have hope in eternal life, what would you say? Could you give a convincing argument for the reason you have hope? The day may come when you will be put in a position to have to defend your faith. Once you solidify the reasons for the hope that is in you, you will be able to build up your faith and believe as never before!
Living Within Your Means Are you living within your means or beyond your means? Christ spoke often about money and possessions.
God's Conditional Love God's love is conditional! There are things we must do and not do so that he will bless us and answer prayer. In this sermon, we look at seven Christian beliefs about God that may hinder their growth and relationship with God. We conclude with some examples of men that fell from grace and lost their faith.
In His Image The Bible says we are supposed to conform to the image of Christ. But how do we do that. In this sermon, we look at seven ways to become more like Christ.
Living Under Grace What does it mean to live under grace? Are we licensed to sin? Do we have a special position in the kingdom? Why do we need grace anyway? Can we earn it to get more? These are just some of the questions we hope to answer in this sermon.
In God We Trust Everyone has heard the term, 'In God We Trust'. But how many people really trust in the Lord? Our country's forefathers had the term engraved in everything. But little by little, different administrations have removed God from schools and public buildings. What does trusting God mean to you? How does it compare to the definition we come up with? It is very important that we understand not only what it means but how we should trust in God in our daily life.
Becoming Spiritual Some people who claim to be Christians are not very spiritual. What is it that makes one person spiritual and another not? What can we do to become more spiritual? This message answers those questions.
Mother's Day 2021 In this Mother's Day sermon, we study mothers in the Bible who played a very important role in Bible history. These were not perfect people but very much like us today. But the part they played in the Bible reminds us how important mothers truly are.
Seven Things God Wants From Us What does God want from us? In this sermon we discuss seven things God wants from us. We go to the Word of God to let Him reveal to us the answer to that important question.
The Joy of the Lord What brings you joy in this life? Is it your accomplishments? Your possessions? The people in your life? These things can bring you joy. But is this enough to bring you lasting joy? In this sermon, we discuss true, lasting joy that can only come from God!
Letting Go of Fear Are you living your life with worry and anxiety because of all the negativity in this life. Are you constantly in fear? These are the things that undermine your faith. God had the answer that will help us overcome all our fears. The solution is so simple that we may have a hard time believing it's true and it's been there all along!
God's Warriors (pt2) Some of us struggle with being part of the military and supporting it and there are those that oppose it altogether. What does the Bible say about this subject? In the sermon God's Warriors part 2, we address these questions.
God's Warriors Some of us struggle with being part of the military and supporting it and there are those that oppose it altogether. What does the Bible say about this subject? In the sermon God's Warriors part 1, we address these questions.
The Death and Resurrection of Christ We address basic questions like; why did Jesus die, when did he die, how long was he dead, and when did he rise again? Hopefully we will clarify these important questions.
Why Do Christians Suffer? Have you wondered why Christians suffer? Everyone suffers at one time or another. Even the sinner suffers. But God uses suffering for a greater good for His people. We will discuss seven reasons for our suffering. Hopefully, this sermon will comfort you in the midst of your time of difficulty.
Taking Up Our Cross In this sermon, we ask the question; do you think that getting baptized and believing in the Lord is enough? Do you think that faith is all you need? Here we address the importance of taking up our cross and following the Lord.
Wonderfully Made If you were to look at the inner workings of a computer, you'd probably be amazed and acknowledge that it is a product of intelligent design. But we as God's creation, we are far more complex than any machine. These are subjects we discuss in the sermon 'Wonderfully Made'.
Yielding to Christ In this sermon - 'Yielding to Christ', we talk about the importance of yielding everything to Christ; our mind, our communication, our heart, etc. Only by yielding to Christ in all things, can we be born again.
Letting God Lead Every believer should have an earnest desire to let God take the lead in important decisions they need to make in life. But how do we know if it is God that leads and not our own thoughts. This sermon will attempt to help you understand how God leads His people.
The Seven Keys to Mend a Broken Heart In this sermon we offer you seven keys to help mend a broken heart. Your heart May be broken because someone has hurt you. Perhaps a bad experience in life still weighs you down. Whatever the reason or cause, God's Word offers a timeless remedy for your hurt.
Woke Church Have you heard of the Woke movement? It has become a model for the woke church. It is a template for liberal progressives inside and outside the church. We will examine why this concept is quite unbiblical!
Our Battle With Sin We address the common battle with sin. All have sinned so we all need to be well versed on the subject. We define it, we look at the differences between the sins of the church and those of the world. More importantly, we talk about the remedies for sin as well.
Building Up Our Faith (pt2) Do you have faith strong enough to move mountains? Not the mountains we see in this world but the mountains in our lives: The worry about disease and illness, the financial worries, and the uncertainty of life. You may have faith in God but the kind of faith you need to move the mountains in your life must be built up gradually. This is what this sermon will try to help you understand.
Building Up Our Faith Do you have faith strong enough to move mountains? Not the mountains we see in this world but the mountains in our lives: The worry about disease and illness, the financial worries, and the uncertainty of life. You may have faith in God but the kind of faith you need to move the mountains in your life must be built up gradually. This is what this sermon will try to help you understand.
The Seeker Sensitive Church A church model that has sprung up over the years is the Seeker Sensitive model. It is based on the belief that everyone seeks God. We just need to find ways to make it simple and easy for them to digest the message. But Is it biblical? Let's study the Bible to see what God thinks.
The Seven Spiritual Virtues Just like there are seven deadly sins, there are seven spiritual virtues that counter these sins. The Lord provides a spiritual solution for each of our tendencies that separate us from God.
The Seven Deadly Sins Yes - most sin can be summed up in the seven deadly sins. Why do people do what they do? Why do we keep sinning when we know we shouldn't? Is there no remedy for our tendencies? The Bible has the answer. It's not easy to stop sinning but it can be done.
How to Live a Life God Rewards (pt3) We know we can't earn salvation. The Lord made that possible through the sacrifice of our Savior. But did you know there are things you can do to earn a blessing and a reward not just in this life but in the one to come! This subject has been addressed in this series of sermons and concludes with this one.
How to Live a Life God Rewards (pt2) We know we can't earn salvation. The Lord made that possible through the sacrifice of our Savior. But did you know there are things you can do to earn a blessing and a reward not just in this life but in the one to come! This subject will be addressed in a series of sermons in the days ahead.
How to Live a Life God Rewards We know we can't earn salvation. The Lord made that possible through the sacrifice of our Savior. But did you know there are things you can do to earn a blessing and a reward not just in this life but in the one to come! This subject will be addressed in a series of sermons in the days ahead.
Salt and Light Some of us know that we need to be the salt of the earth. Others know we must be the light of the world. But did you realize we must be both? More importantly, how do we become salt and light? What do these things mean? This is what this sermon is all about!
Learning to Give Thanks Giving thanks to God should be the easiest thing in the world. But we don't always acknowledge God's Grace and favor. On this time of the year of giving thanks, let's give God the glory and thank Him for all He does through out the year!.
A Man After God's Own Heart We know the title is from God referring to David but what does that really mean. In this message we look at how David lived out that description … most of the time. We'll also look at how we should have a heart that cares for God and tries to view the world through God's eyes.
7 Levels of Closeness This sermon describes seven levels of closeness to God. The range goes from being afraid of God to becoming an intimate friend of God. What level do you see yourself? Hopefully, you are moving up the steps and getting closer to God but just know we are at different stages of development.
Is Halloween for Christians? On October 31st each year pagans and believers come together to celebrate Halloween. Some do it to honor the god of the dead but non-pagans do it to have a good time. But how can believers participate in occult practices? Do we think that there will be no consequences for this? Let's study the subject of Halloween at length.
Life of Sacrifice A child of God must live a life of sacrifice once he or she decides to give their life to Christ. To live a life of sacrifice will require that you be a soldier in a spiritual war. There seven weapons available for the spiritual soldier that will serve to protect and defend a Christian soldier that is discussed.
Good VS Evil The world is falling away and there is an increasing distance between God's people and the world. The world does whatever they want but shouldn't God's people have a higher standard? There are things we can do to keep us separate from the world so that we can live forever with God.
Freedom to Fail Are you afraid to fail? Has it occurred to you that God has set you free to fail if you only do the best you can? God can tolerate failure but He won't accept not even trying. Just do all you can and let God ordain your steps!
Depression in the Bible In this sermon, we study examples in the Bible of people who went through depression. We also try to define depression and examine it. We also try to answer some questions; what is depression? Does it have a purpose? Why doesn't God simply take those feelings away? Hopefully, this sermon will shed more light on such an important subject.
Praying Like Jesus This sermon uses the Lord's Prayer as the model for our prayers. There are ten principles we glean from this prayer model and we can use it to help us learn to pray like Jesus.
Hope Do you have hope in the midst of what the world is going through today? What do you hope in? Yourself? That your circumstances will improve? That someone will come to save you? Our hope should be in God who never fails us! He will keep His Word and for His name's sake, He is what gives us hope.
The Spirit of Fear Everyone is afraid of something. What are you afraid of? Is it the coronavirus they keep talking about? Maybe it's your future or your finances? Maybe you are worried about your health or finances. Whatever the fear; just know that it does not come from God. This sermon will address some of the main fears we have and how we address them Biblically.
The Root of Bitterness Are your past bad experiences causing you to have some bitterness today? How do you know if you are bitter? Could you spot certain characteristics in the personality of others that could explain why they act or talk as they do? The Bible has a lot to say on the subject of bitterness and in this message, you'll be able to address this subject Biblically so you can help others and help yourself!
The Love Chapter Do you know that there are several types of love? There is Eros which is carnal, sensual love. There is also Phileo love which is fraternal and brotherly. More importantly, there is the kind of love that God is defined by and one He wants us to possess; this is Agape love. We will study I Corinthians 13 to get a better understanding of Agape love.
Love in the Supermarket Aisle Practical ways to show God's love throughout the day.
Thieves It's possible for us to steal, and even to steal from God. This sermon discusses the ways we do that and how we can combat the desire to do that.
Balancing Afraid and Fear In the beginning, Israel had the opportunity of having a personal relationship with God. But they were so paralyzed and afraid that they did not dare approach Him. Fearing God is a healthy thing because you respect Him and take Him seriously. Being afraid of God paralyzes us and makes us distant from Him. This sermon is about finding balance between being afraid and having the right kind of fear and reverence for the Lord.
Faith is What is faith? Reading from Hebrews 11; the faith chapter, we find not just the definition but the importance of it and more than that, wonderful examples of faith. The different elements of faith are essential for us so that we can learn the important concepts that will strengthen our faith.
Satan's Weapons Did you realize that satan is limited in what he can do. He has three major weapons he uses to undermine the work of God and to attack us. Once we understand what these weapons are, we will have a better chance to defeat his efforts to attack us. Several case studies of how he uses these weapons are discussed in this message. It is for your benefit to help you and protect you from the firey darts of the devil.
Yielding to Christ We need to yield our body to God; our mind and thoughts, our heart and eyes, and every aspect of our being. In doing so we come into a harmony with the Holy Spirit that teaches us the will of God and makes right our pathways in life.
Strength in Weakness Have you struggled with moments of weakness? Then you're just like the rest of us! All of us have days when we feel weak from an illness or we find ourselves in emotional despair. Sometimes we feel challenged by a financial crisis. Whatever the cause of our moments of weakness, just know that God waits for us to call on Him so that He can offer us strength and a saving grace.
Rejoicing in Trials and Suffering Have you ever wondered how one can rejoice when troubles come our way? Maybe it isn’t about enjoying suffering but about what God intends to provide for us in the end.
Knowing God's Will How do we know what God's will is for our lives? Should we seek a sign? Do we find it in the Bible? Do we ask for counsel from others? Do we try to determine His will by interpreting it? Does my relationship with Him make a difference? The answer can be found in more ways than one. Please listen to this sermon to find out God's will for your life.
Age of Lawlessness Part of prophecy that will precede the second coming is a great falling away and an age of lawlessness. This may or may not be that point in time but it certainly looks like it’s well On the Way! The trouble is that some well meaning Christians may be participating in this very sin that may keep them from the kingdom of God.
Finishing Well Even if you manage to move forward in life, there is still a chance you may not finish well! We consider the Galatian church as a model for a church that started off well but stumbled in the end. May this message help you to examine yourself to make sure you finish your race well.
Look Forward to the Future With the world in panic mode and in chaos, it is easy to focus on the problems around us. But the Lord wants us to fix our eyes on Him and the future He is preparing for us.
Never Look Back God doesn't want us to ever look back. He wants us to focus on the future and whatever ministry He puts in our hands to do in this life.
The Lord's Positive Answer The Lord's response to 13 of our worries and fears
Are We Spiritual Israel Pastor Joe discusses whether we are Israel in a spiritual sense and what that would mean for us
The Importance of Doctrine
Finding Peace with God In these troubled times, we need peace in our lives more than ever. This is only truly possible with God! This sermon will explain how to find lasting peace and the things that we need to do to obtain it.
Church on the Move Part 2 In this segment, we discuss the need to take God with us wherever we go next! There are seven things we must take into consideration.
Church on the Move Part 1    Here we talk about what it means to start over; what would we change? Should we do things like before? What is our model? We talk about 10 things we want to do better!.
The End of the World in 30 Years?    This is a sermon/Lesson brought to you by Stan Burton that discusses why it is possible that the end will not come until another 30 years. Stan explains what has to happen before the end comes. There is also a lesson on the subject that you can download and print from the website.
Lord's Supper Observance    This is the sermonette and the Lord's Supper readings that can be used to prepare for and partake of the Lord's Supper in your homes.
Is This The End? Part 1    In this message, we discuss whether what is going on in this world today is the of the world or if it's just the beginning.
Upside Down World    Living your life for Christ means living in an upside-down world! It is contrary to our natural self! In this sermon, we discuss how the apostles were turning society upside-down and how we too need to apply these important concepts.
Overcoming Depression    There is no cure for depression, but we can overcome it. This sermon follows the story of Elijah who suffered from depression but overcame the paralyzing effect it had on him. We too can learn something from his experience.
The Church of Acts    Have we become like the church of Galatia today?